As a knowledge based provider, and an organisation that lives by our values, we work to achieve a low carbon footprint and strong social ethic for our own operations. The greatest benefit that we provide is that offered to the communities we work in, the customers we provide services to and also the wider profession. Understanding and being able to quantify this value is inherently difficult as it involves placing a numerical value on a subjective activity. Just because it is difficult doesn’t mean it won’t have profound impacts. Being able to better understand how we can contribute for our communities and customers will help drive engagement from both sides of the equation.

Volunteering – all staff are entitled to two paid volunteering days per year and are encouraged to use them. From FY23 onwards volunteering days will be reported as one of Acclaro’s Social Value KPIs.

Boards and Committees – Acclaro embraces the opportunity to join boards and committees that are working to improve social and environmental outcomes, both in its industry and in its local area.  During the year to end of April 2022 a total of 310.5 hours were contributed which equates to over £23,000 of billable value. The bodies Acclaro supported during the period are:

  • Thames Valley Berkshire LEP – Decarbonisation lead on the board (Tracey Rawling Church) plus chair of the Net Zero Task Force (Sunil Shah)
  • Reading Climate Change Partnership – co-chair (Tracey Rawling Church)
  • Connect Reading – trustee (Tracey Rawling Church)
  • Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management – committee member (Sunil Shah)
  • EIC/ACE – Advisory Board Member (Sunil Shah)
  • UKGBC – Working group for Renewable energy procurement and offsetting guidance

Local Economy – We are committed to contributing positively to the local economy and prioritise local companies and SMEs in our supply chain where possible.

Low-cost/not for profit work – We support industry best practice by offering preferential rates for projects that advance standards of ESG performance. During FY22 we updated the IWFM’s sustainability training modules at a discounted rate. The Sustainable Facilities Management Index, Acclaro’s flagship project which drives best practice in sustainable FM, is run on a not-for-profit basis.

Workplace opportunities – We offer paid placement years for undergraduates in relevant disciplines, offering market-rate salaries and full company benefits.

Workplace wellbeing – We have trained around a quarter of our staff as Mental Health First Aiders and offered all others the opportunity to undertake Mental Health Awareness training.

Supporting grass roots sport – Acclaro is shirt sponsor of the Wokingham and Emmbrook FC youth team.